Wednesday, December 22, 2010

What Else?

fuhhhh. less than a week lagi. or may i say, just a few days left? hmmm. sekejap je kan masa berlalu. byebye home sweeeeet home, byebye mama byebye papa :/ okay stop emo emo kat sini, now, apa lagi yang still belom settle down yah? luggage dah beli, broadband dah beli, almost everything dah beli. tinggal nak packing je. hmm berat pulak hati ni rasa. eh eh aku ni, macam tak biasa plak jauh ngn family, padahallllll, dah pernah survive without them. tapi risau plak aku homesick bila dah smpai sana. haha. jgn buat pasal ell :P insyallah tak la do. aku kan KUAT. sangattt -.-'' hahahahah! okay2, dah2, back to our topic. what else ek yang aku tak settle down lagi? packing? hurmm, besok la kott. erkk takboleh ada kot! seriously besok gak aku kena settle packing. masa dah time! ahha. sabtu dah gerak. so tinggal 2 hari lagi aku kat KL ni. hmm besides that apa lagi erk? poning palo den ha pikir2 non-stop. ahhhh abis packing la baru pikir! taksuka la semak semak pale hotak aku. gahahahah. eh eh lupa nak gtau kat para follower aku ni, start sabtu aku tak on tau, a week afta baru kita dapat jumpa blik, and then time tu wa gerenti byk hot story wa nak cite sama lu! xD bukan apa seminggu aku tak on, lappy aku tinggal umah la, minggu lagi satu baru mak aku bawak, malas la nak bwk byk sgt brg, buat berat je, haha. soooooo warga Perak, terutama Seri Iskandar, its been my great pleasure to be a part of you guys :D wink wink. till then, assalamualaikum!

toodles ;)

Friday, December 17, 2010

Ohhh, Dear God.

A lonely road, crossed another cold state line
Miles away from those I love purpose hard to find
While I recall all the words you spoke to me
Can't help but wish that I was there
Back where I'd love to be, oh yeah

Dear God the only thing I ask of you is
to hold them when I'm not around,
when I'm much too far away
We all need that person who can be true to you
But I left them when I found them
And now I wish I'd stayed
'Cause I'm lonely and I'm tired
I'm missing you again oh no
Once again

There's nothing here for me on this barren road
There's no one here while the city sleeps
and all the shops are closed
Can't help but think of the times I've had with you
Pictures and some memories will have to help me through, oh yeah

Dear God the only thing I ask of you is
to hold them when I'm not around,
when I'm much too far away
We all need that person who can be true to you
I left them when I found them
And now I wish I'd stayed
'Cause I'm lonely and I'm tired
I'm missing you again oh no
Once again

Some search, never finding a way
Before long, they waste away
I found you, something told me to stay
I gave in, to selfish ways
And how I miss someone to hold
when hope begins to fade...

A lonely road, crossed another cold state line
Miles away from those I love purpose hard to find

special dedicated to those i love the most, may God always take care of you guys when im much too far away :)  *to Illie and Mek, both of you know how much i love you guys, thanks fr being such a sporting and caring 'sista'. XOXO

Monday, December 6, 2010

Truth or Deception?

hai guys. harini i've nothing to do kat rumah. so aku teringat satu story ni, yg d ceritakan oleh my auntie. dia suruh usha blog Uncle Seekers @ kalau nak tau dgn lebih sahih lagi. so aku pun bukak la then usha2 pe hot story and controversial sgt tu. sekali da baca, mak aiii, berani gila la wei dia bukak cerita bout Mantan Permaisuri Aisyah. aku malas la nak story sini, karang silap aribulan aku pun kena join saman dia tu. hahaha. tapi seriously aku mmg agak kaget gak la baca everything dia post kat dalam tu. lagi2 kisah Permaisuri dari part 1 till 7. ade gak aku terpikir, Uncle Seekers ni main gila betul, main ngn api tau tak! nak bunuh diri sndiri ke? =.= pendedahan dia buat ni betul2 mengaibkan and sometimes scary jugak. but aku pikir satu je, takleh gak salah kan satu pihak kan, mesti ada sebab Uncle Seekers buad cmni. hurmm. banyak betul bende tgh bermain kat lam otak aku skrg nih. huhu. overall aku njoy baca bende tu, mcm korang tau, aku kan kepala gila so aku mmg layan gosip panas cmni. haha. but still aku ade respect kat Mantan Permaisuri kita. sebab tu aku nye tajuk post arini Truth Or Deception? sama2 kita pikirkan. wallahualam..

opsss. sebelum terlupa, nak ucap jugak ni, Selamat Menyambut Awal Muharam, 1433 Hijrah ;D salam Maal Hijrah everybody!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Life Unexpectable.

assalamualaikum. hai guys. harini aku just nak kongsi bout how pain life is, how short the time can be and how short our life will be. the story begins..

semalam masa aku online facebook, aku ada la tgk most of my friends post bout their lost, a friends of them, yang baru je meninggal dunia pagi smlm. the causes is, leukimia. dengar je words tu dah cukup menakutkan, dah boleh bayang betapa tabah nye seseorang tu menghadapi sakit yang bukan ringan2 tapi berat, and anytime boleh tarik nyawa. eventho aku tak kenal budak tu, tapi as a human being i do felt sad and sympathy towards him and his family. arwah baru 18, too young to die but i know, ALLAH loves him more.. when i opened his facebook, his wall, i almost cried. he so lucky to have a lot of friends who love him so much, who really care for him, and their last wishes fr him are sad enough fr those who reading it.. they said that arwah is a unique guy, special one, always encourage peeps who lacks of confidence, a supportive friends, always be a guidance, always cheers their life with his happiness, and much more. now i can imagine the feel befriends with him, what a positive guys he is. a very strong and positive thinker in every thing he had did. definitely this is a very big loss to all his friends, to johanians, and ofcourse to his beloved family. they should proud to have him as a son, as a friends, to have known him more than i do. macam yang aku baru baca td, most of his friends cried till their eyes swollen, because of him. macam tak percaya dia dah takde, sedangkan ada sorang kawan dia baru cakap nak pergi melawat dia kat hospital this friday, but then? arwah dah pergi menghadap illahi terlebih dahulu.. nov 19, arwah dalam keadaan sakit ada post satu lagu ni kat wall dia, tajuk nya pergi by aizat. and dia ada mention banyak kali yg he's scared, hmm. betapa besar kuasa tuhan, dalam mmberi dugaan kepada hamba2 Nya..

ya Allah, kau permudahkan lah segala urusan arwah, berikan lah cahaya petunjuk kepadanya, agar sentiasa berada dalam laluan-Mu ya Allah..

apa yang aku nak cakap dalam post aku kali ni ialah, ajal maut d tangan tuhan,  d tangan Allah yang maha kuasa, hanya Dia yang mampu mengubah takdir seseorang itu.. life is short. life is unexpectable. kita sepatutnya menghargai setiap detik yang kita ada, guna kan sebaik2 nya, kerana masa takkan berulang, jadi lah seperti arwah yang d senangi setiap org, sentiasa melakukan yg terbaik dalam hidup dan tidak mensia2kan harapan orang terhadap nya. seriously, i do respect him, i do salute him. eventho aku tak sempat kenal ngn dia, tapi aku redha dgn pemergiannya. sesungguhnya Allah lebih menyayangi arwah...

kepada sesiapa yang terlibat, yang ada kena mengena ngn arwah, aku mintak maaf tulis post ni pasal dia, aku cuma nak jadikan dia sebagai contoh kepada org lain, yang hidup ni tak la seronok seperti yg d sangka, tak la selama yang kita rasa, tak la sesenang seperti yang d jangka. aku cuma melahirkan perasaan sedih aku terhadap pemergian arwah, dan tiba2 timbul perasaan insaf yang teramat sangat, hmmm. aku harap korang dapat la jadikan post aku ni sbgai iktibar dan panduan hidup..

kepada arwah muhammad asry, semoga roh mu d cucuri rahmat Allah dan semoga kau d tempat kan dalam kalangan orang2 yg beriman. amin....

dedicated to;
    Muhammad Asry
   10 august 1992-1 december 2010