heyyo boys and prettay gurlsss. sory lama tak post anything on this precious blog. haha :P got no times la. so damn busy on my assignment. its hard baby, fucker hard. im still dont get the flows, thus, make me so stressed out! rasa cm nak mati. struggle gila bhai kat sana. plus, the course i took is not as easy as u think -.- i rather quit than just go on with those stupid things i had to go through everyday. but still, got my priority on my parent feelings. how would they face to others if im quit before i try my best? hmm. best solution is, be patience and go on till i got the flows! yeah baby. thats my new target. i will try my damn best! btw, campus life are the LIFE that i have looking fr. the friends, the times we had spent together, the MONEY also =.= , and everything almost perfect, EXCEPT fr those assignment and LECTURER mostly on studio's. i hate them so badly, but still im trying to get their rythm, to know them better, to be most hipocrite student, urghhhhh i hate them equally --, haha. sorry Ms and Mrs. im just being honest. peace :D
as i said before, life sini mmg best, lagi2 bila dapat freedom yg dah lama kita nak kan? tp still aku taktau napa tak dapat get in lagi ngn tempat ni, mcm takde keserasian, langsung tak masuk la. hmm. weird. tpi nasib baik la berbaloi, ada kwn2 kepala gila cm aku, mostly the boys. haha. dorang layan kepala aku, aku lagi la layan kepala dorang xD mcm biasa la kan, aku ni kan kasar, so lebih senang approached boys better than gurls. yela budak pompan kan mudah sgt sentap, lain la laki, aku gurau kasar pon dorg okay je, haha. smpai kan budak2 group A jeles ngn group aku. LOL. pity on you la bitches :P
haa aku senanye banyak lagi nak story, tp skrg quite busy, so nanti ada masa aku tambah lagi okeng. haha. papehal kalau nak usha pics 'LADS life at UiTM', boleh la bukak je kat facebook aku okay? click kat atas kanan, je. malas nak upload sini, lembab. hahaha. k la guysss, till then, assalamualaikum.
toodles ;D
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ReplyDeleteAsaalamu'alaikum, saudari... Saya K.A.R aka USTAZ,studio part 03, sebagai seorang senior yang sudah lama BERTAPAK di LADS ni.. serupa juga seperti anda semasa saya part 01... rasa frust jugak macam **** ****... tapi tu dulu... kita ni sebagai pelajar, tak boleh merungut dan mengeluarkan kata2 macam tu... sebaliknya, cuba kita selami dan pelajari kenapa kita berada di sini... dulu dah beberapa kali aku nak quit, kutuk2 lecturer, last2 kena kat diri aku.. sekarang ni aku da taubat dan ingat kat Tuhan atas dosa yang aku buat kat diorang.. mungkin dugaan yang kena pada kita, ADA HIKMAHNYA... renung2kan la ye... APA2 MASALAH, JUMPA LA BEBERAPA SENIOR, X SEMUA SENIOR YANG JAHAT.. ADA YANG BAIK, CUMA KO LE XTAU... SEE YA THEN! >_^
ReplyDeletesabar je lah aku bace komen drg ni ell . -..-
ReplyDeleteKAR: aku cakap apa aku rasa. ni blog aku kan? bnda ni aku post masa bulan january. biasa la. baru lagi. mcm kau ckp kan, kau pon sama ada kutuk lect and everything. bnda sama jd kat aku. so jgn nk blame aku je ye? btw aku mmg ada jumpa certain senior. harap anda baca betul2 sebelum komen ye? and yes. thank you fr stopping by! :D
ReplyDeletekachu: haha biasa la beb, dorg salah masuk blog ni, hahahahah! and guess what, i dont give a damnnn. ckp dlm ni boleh la xD